Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sunday January 25th @ 7:30

Please join us this Sunday, January 25 at the smell for readings by Steve Willard, Harold Abramowitz, and Allison Carter. We'll be starting a little later than usual, at 7:30.


Steve Willard, b. 1970. Book: Harm. (UC Press 2007.) Ph.D. studies at UC San Diego in Critical Studies/Experimental Practices (writing about soundpoetry, prosody, and pop.) Performs and is rap consultant with avant-country band Go Duo; currently recording a CD of text + music with bassist Jeff Denson.

Harold Abramowitz is a writer and editor. His first book, Dear Dearly Departed, was published by Palm Press in 2008. Harold has two books forthcoming in 2009: Sin is to Celebration, a collaboration with Amanda Ackerman, from House Press, and Not Blessed from Les Figues Press. He is also the author of a chapbook, Three Column Table (Insert Press, 2007), a micro-book, Sunday, or A Summer's Day (PS Books, 2008), and an e-book, Technique of Bandaging and Splinting (LRL e-editions, 2009). He has contributed to various literary publications and anthologies, including Greetings, Fold: Appropriate Text, P-Queue, Ixnay Reader, PlanB, A Sing Economy, The Chronometry
Project, and Moonlit. Harold also co-edits the short-form literary press, eohippus labs (, and co-curates the experimental cabaret event series, Late Night Snack.

Allison Carter currently lives in Los Angeles, where she works as a freelance web designer and teaches a writing workshop in hybrid forms at CalArts. She is the author of a book, A Fixed, Formal Arrangement (Les Figues Press) and a chapbook Shadows Are Weather (Horse Less Press). Her work has otherwise been published in Joyland, P-Queue, 5_Trope, Fence, 3rd Bed, and other journals. Allison co-edits The
Particle Series (P S Books) with Joe Potts.


247 S. Main Street, between 2nd and 3rd St, downtown Los Angeles
(enter through the alley in the back--the alley is between Main and Spring, and is named Harlem Court)


$5 at the door, to go to the readers. Fee can be waived for impoverished poets/artists willing to hoist and carry.


7:30, a little later than usual

1 comment:

Anathemata said...

hey - what's coming up in February?